
Thursday, December 10, 2009

just be yourself or just be people selves

Who is wrong here?

The judgmental person who always think we should act right according to our environment and our circumstances, like age, male, female, fat, ugly, short, tall, blond..


people who want to become themselves?

or maybe the clique statement "just be yourself" has become obsolete these days.

Today, the alarm has rung again. I just wonder I live in a very judgmental environment where people are valued based on their physical attributes and not by their personal quality. Again this topic pops up in my mind and I think this topic will not ever become obsolete. Unless our society stop judging other people. In which it is impossible.

Staying in Holland for about 3 months now, I have found one more treasure of my day.

In Holland, people's words shaped other people opinion and I, personally, had been killed by these words and reborn again as a stronger person. I can say a free person who has fully control over myself and sensibility for others' opinion. While back there in the east, people's words carve people's choices for their body shape, hair style, attitude, and even remade faces. In this situation, I unrealized that I had been killed many times, felt apart, try to follow these words and end up with self-pity. Wao! What a difference.

There will be a time to come back to this pond and I need to be ready for it. It is a treasure of the day for appreciating the presence when and where the physical judgment at least does not applies to me.


Emile Dingemans said...

I asked myself the same question a month ago - why are people so judgemental, and one wise guy told me "because it is easy". How stupid it sound, I think it speaks the most truth. Why else!

Expressing your identity and Social bonding make that it is important to have opinions about others. Unfortunately it creates outsiders. But that is just a trade-off for good social bonding.

"A free person who has fully control over myself and sensibility for others' opinion." has to be careful not to become an outsider. That is the trade-off, unless, you don't care.

I'm getting curious to know who Aidy actually is. I know who you want to be, but perhaps you find it difficult to life up to your own values. I think this goes for everyone on this planet. It is nobel to try balance that out for oneself. (disclosure: I'm drinking glass of wine)

Unknown said...

I am thinking and think...

It is difficult to live our own values and it is life long journey to practice on that and become wiser.

how's yourself deal with it?

Emile Dingemans said...

I am working on that question for a couple of years. Have been reading a lot about morals and ethics. I know how to do this for myself now. Will be quite a story to explain. So if you are really interested in what I found, let's settle down at school one time.