
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

COOKING?? Interesting!

hari ini adalah pengalaman gw pertama ke pasar sendirian, beli daging bakut.. walaupun pertamanya guwe takut banget sama baunya.. tapi sekarang udah mulai terbiasa....

Sunday, June 26, 2005

RESEP SATE.. terlezat didunia!

1 kg daging (mau ayam, kambing, babi.. what eva") trserah elo!
trus ini diulek dan diaduk sama daging yang udah dipotong2!
1 mangkok kecap manis merek borobudur
3 buah cabe merah besar
15 kemiri
5 bawang putih
1 sendok teh garem
1 sendok teh merica
jangan lupa dibakar dulu!
(sajikan dengan acar + kecap cengek limau!)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

edan.. kena REM (Rapid Eye Motion) semalem gak bisa tidur dengan baik dan benar gara-gara mimpi gw tersesat di pulau terpencil dan ketemu teman gw yang ngejar-ngejar mao makan daging gw hidup-hidup dan mentah-mentah beserta dengan tulang-tulang gw... bener2 super nightmare!!! seru tegang, pokoknya thriller abizzz.. serasa abis nonton film horor... untungnya gw bisa kabur dari pulau itu walaupun dengan susah payah... kalo gw sampe kemakan sama temen gw itu.. gw bisa bangun lagi dari tidur gw itu gak ya???? ichh... gara2 mimpi itu gw hari ini pusink banget, mana... SEMOGA MALEM INI MIMPINYA JANGAN SAMPE BERLANJUT!!! Tuhan saya berjanji sebelom tidur bakal doa dulu!!! huhuhu... amin!
First date: You get to kiss her goodnight.
Second date: You get to grope all over and make out.
Third date: You get to have sex in the missionary position. Then youpromise to marry her but will probably abandon the idea.
First date: She's shy, so you don't get to kiss her at all.
Second date:She'll take a bath in front of you and let you smell her panties. Third date: You get to have kinky sex with her. Then she'll bid you sayonara,as that was her last fling as she's getting married to a Japanese man tomorrow.
First date: You get to touch that big breast of hers.
Second date: You get to home base with her.
Third date: You have to promise her that you are going to get circumcised. Then you will marry her and find out that you have to support her whole family. The only consolation is that you get to repeat>the procedure three more times as allowed under Islamic law!
First date: You get to buy her an expensive dinner but nothing happens.
Second date: You buy her an even more expensive dinner but nothing happens too.
Third date: You have already realized that nothing's going to happen.
First date: You meet her parents.
Second date: The date is set for the wedding.
Third date: It's your wedding night!
First date: you lose all your cash in your wallet
Second date: you max out all your credit cards
Third date: you clean out your bank account and you still can't get to first base. 3 weeks after your third date, you die from SARS.

Monday, June 20, 2005

gak tidur... melayang....

melayang... melayang... tenggorokan kering panasss... haaahh... haa... jari-jari panas.. serasa bengkak.. tapi tetep Mr & mrs Smith kudu nonton... thanx ya, Do hari ini nraktir gw abis2an sering2 aja lo dapet A ngalahin semua orang di Urip Raya! Walaupun hari ini kita sama-sama senasib gak tidur... & maen "TINGGI2an gak puguh, tetep kita kuliah kan, Do! kuliah SOSIOLOGI memang sangat membahagiakan, bukan begitu, Aldo??? hahahahaha... bari ngantuk-ngantuk oge Bu Utja mah keneh we contohnya "KELOMPOK PREMAN"!!! hahahahahaha...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

bye GPA 4 this semester...

Mr. URIP why r u still mean & pelit siiiiiii...... masa nilai 80 dikasih B juga... plis dunk lebih manusiawi sedikit... itukan udah hasil kerja keras hidup dan mati.. bela-belain kuliah hari sabtu, macet-macet dateng ke UNPAR! hrrrggggg... HAJTA!!!!!!!!!!!!