
Thursday, October 30, 2008

random thoughts

Unbridled moment of time, I have lost a lot of chances and speed to move forward. Usually I restrain all sets of actions and think about each of its consequences and yet I haven't understood why I lose myself badly. I must to admit that what my friend, Nick, said about the world is differentiating what we want and what we can get is real, as real as world price is going down lately, believably unbelievable thing.

The sounds of Adam Smith are getting clearer in my head, as if he whisper me, there are invisible hands controlling things on earth including prices, supply, demand, and my brain capacity in one of it. Not exactly in the parallel line with price, supply, demand thingy but more in the realm of Almighty hands thingy. All these hands steer and maneuver incredibly beautiful and eloquent until the human effort are banished in the complexity of its stream and evaporated, gone.

The mirth of achievement is going away step by step until I can't see it but I still have abundant ammunitions to get the perfection someday. My family enchantment is gone; they are changing to be a pessimist because of my failure consecutive attacks. Never mind, I still have the energy to ignite the fire of passion and pull the ardent back. I will not live in a woe for forever, just an ancient people said, "the groan, moan, and grumble just pull you back from the success point in the front of your step"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

kisah pendek2 JCO MTA

Udah 3 jam gw duduk di JCO MTA pada hari Sabtu yang super rame banget. Ditemani temarang2 lampu cafe JCO yang redup, gw duduk di kursi yang paling ok posisinya, di paling kiri deket tembok menghadap kasir, tepat ditengah mepet tembok ga terlalu dalem, ga terlalu luar pokoknya pas! sepas coffee lattenya yang lagi gw minum ga pake gula karena males ambil akibat lupa ambil pas bayar dan keburu duduk di kursi dengan alat2 elektronik buku bertebaran, yah tau lah takut laptop kesamber maling lagi!

Ini udah ketiga kalinya pengunjung di sebelah kursi gw ganti, dari mulai ibu2 ganjen yang ngudud mulu sampe bikin rambut gw bau bako, mpe terakhir ni pasangan yang cabul abis megang2 paha pasangannya mulu, diusap2 sambil megang jari2 pacar cewenya. Hi... geli. (antara geli pengen dan geli jijik!) Ga kuat gw ngeliatnya jadi deh gw tumpahkan aja di dalam kotak blog ini dari pada di kloset kamar mandi (lagi2 kejauhan kalo harus ke kamar mandi, dan lagian gw tau banget kalo toilet di Mall Taman Anggrek aka MTA ga ada airnya! Hii.. paling males!)

Diseberang gw ada juga cewe berambut panjang yang sendirian megang2 laptopnya sambil senyum2 sendiri. (jangan2 gw diliat orang lain seperti itu juga ya! Wah kacau juga ya!) Btw coffee latte gw tinggal sepertiga dan gw udah mulai muak dengan bau Donat khas JCO, tumpukan ragi ngembang bareng gula tipis dan mentega. Tuh JCO banget! juga warna coklatnya yang bikin mata gw lama2 jadi kuning kalo ngeliat orang. Sepertinya gw harus cari spot internet baru yang lebih menarik dan ga ada bau DONAT!!!!