
Thursday, January 11, 2007

I said to my brain, "STOP!"

It has already four am in the morning when I post this blog. Hmm… I’m lying on my lovely bed and there’s typhoon in my head. I just can’t stop thinking about everything. Maybe it because I work all day long without stop thinking then when I want to stop it, my brain said “NO”. I’m listening to some mandarin songs and Indonesian songs. I still can't sleep. I have meeting with my lecturer tomorrow at 8.30 am. I think I won’t sleep now until 7.30…. So heavy living… doin’ rountine task without proper rest! It’s totally different with conference or occasion that usually took my energy a lot… its different situation when people energy gathered and we kept the spirit… I should finish this kindda monotone life soon. What a sick living!


Denko said...

hmmm... kita punya satu kesamaan deh dy, soalnya aku juga orang yang doyan mikir, thinking about everything, and sometime unnecessary thing, kadang gue ngelamun sendiri, kalo aku udah punya sebuah plan in the midlle of the night, itu bisa gue pikirin sepanjang malem, aku mikirin "gimana kalo gini" "gimana kalo gitu" and so on... kadang gue juga mikir gue terlalu foolish memikirkan semuanya hal yang seharusnya ga gue pkirin.

gue juga insomia, ga pernah tidur dibawah jam 24:00, karena banyak mikirin sesuatu itu, sometimes i wish that we shouldn't sleep so that we 24 hour for think, and do activities more.
sometimes juga aku ngerasa otakku dah mikir terlalu banyak, maybe it's kinda sick way of live but somehow i enjoy it :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah it's true we are AIESECers, sometime use our capacity more than our body can accept. Again and again I try to defeat what I called "LIMIT" by ignoring my body alert.. haha..

Do you know people just used their brain capacity about 4% How could that be??? so hard to believe, our brain capacity is barried by our self...

all I can say. When we have vision in this life... every minutes that we passed has its own meaning and it's better than just long life without any purpose.