
Sunday, November 29, 2009

cleaning out

Today, I am officially getting old to be 25 years old and I want to label it "Cleaning out"
25 years ago, I can imagine, I was born healthy with pure mind (as clean as white paper, which smart people call it, tabula rasa), even some religious said I bring evil part as a human being.
So whatever with the theory and religious people. I just know that I grow not only with my knowledge and experience but also with any kind of toxic you can imagine from this world. You name it, from value judgment from others, norms, to alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, pesticide.
Today, yes TODAY is the day to clean these all out from my body and soul. Start with taking long shower, taking out all old stuff in my wardrobe, cleaning out my room, and the house. I guess that it is still not enough. I am doing detoxification, just eat fruits and drink 10 liters of water, to take all poisonous thingy out. OUT OUT OUT!
Yes, it is the best present I have ever had for myself in this 25 years old. But no offense to Farzad, one of my room mates, your present is cute too. :)
Now, I start getting to the edge of myself. I feel starving even though I keep eating the mango and oranges in the fridge. I guess for all I have done in this 24 years and 365 days, this is just the beginning to feel better how the "good" pain can heal and renew tired soul that could not realize, shout and say "I am tired" and intoxicated body that always wants to look good, but takes alcohols for the sake of better laughs, takes caffeine to stay awake in the morning, takes sleeping pills to get sleep at night, and so on and so on and again and again...

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