Since 1 year ago, I have tried to find the lid for my camera lens to replace the broken one. I do not why suddenly I connected with my feeling in soul mate searching, real and true friendship, or love, which has not appeared.
After finished long presentation session in university, I decided to go back home, changed my clothes to the casual outfit. ahhh... felt so good to just let the formal side of me get rest and stay there at some point.
Then I just felt wanna go somewhere with my bike and let my bike showed the way. Hmmm.. let me think... confused for a while. Thinking to buy some stuff in the far away supermarket for the God sake of cheaper price but then my bike led me to the lens store.
I just remember with my broken lid of my camera, hey surprisingly they have this stuff with various brands. So I went back, grabbed my camera, and back to the store. After a mid-age guy tried to match my camera with different available size of the lid. Then he suddenly said "aha!, it fits". When I pulled it just a little to check whether it is really fitted or not , it suddenly was off. Juuuuuuust 0.05 mm difference is enough to rip off my heart and to twist my mind to write this story. Does friendship, love, and relationship works in the same way? Does 0.05 mm difference in the path of life and serendipity enough to change the entire scenario of our life?
I almost get what I am looking for a year, but it is just 0.05 mm that says I am not in the finish line yet. I guess it has been the same for friendships, loves and soul mates searching. Love, friendship, and good soul are everywhere, but they are just too loose to be caught. 0.05 mm too far, we could not get it, 0.05 mm too short, we might lose it.
It is too complicated for me. I need something exact. Stated. Cristal clear.
I guess today is not my day yet. I will keep searching, while now my bike just led me to the supermarket. The place where as far as you can see is clearly stated. The price, the composition, the type of stuffs, the name of the staffs, the section product, everything is stated. Well somebody are standby too if you want to get more information.
I wish soul and love searching can be as clear as supermarket without loosing the sense of its romance and beauty.