Went down deep into the womb of earth, The cave in cradle of Humankind, Johannesburg South Africa and saw the link of us as human with our encestor stimulate a lot of questions in my head. they popped up in randomness. All of sudden the museum `Cradle of Humankind`helped me to structure the questions, the questions of centuries.
Did the universe begin with a big bang?
Am I free?
Am I unique?
Are all hominids bipeds?
Are there parallel universes?
Are we alone?
Are you for real?
Are you happy?
Can god make a rock so big she can lift it?
Can fish think?
Can some of us predict the future?
Are you sad?
Can you give me directions?
Can time be contained or mastered?
Did eve arrive before adam?
Did we really sent man to the moon or was it just kubrick?
Did shaggy do it?
Do people become stars when they die?
Does time travel exist?
How many countries are there in the world?
Do we connect in ways beyond speech?
Does money does make the world go around?
Did michael ever learn to rock?
Who am I?
How evolved was charles darwin?
How long is a piece of string?
How many cabs are there in New York city?
How many grandchildren will I have?
How many notes are there on the saxophone?
how old is the earth?
Really is humanity doomed?
How long will we be here?
If God is the answer, what is the question?
If the USA won the space race, who is winning the human race?
if you had a choice, who would you choose to meet in all of history?
Is brain indicative of intellegence?
How many tears in the bottle of gin?
Are you a typical of a star sign?
Is science another kind of religion?
Is there a god?
Is the human experience simply a test?
Is the universe open or closed?
is there an afterlife?
When will the earth`s oil reserve run out?
What is spirituality?
What is thought?
Was leonardo da vinci the first true scientist?
What is it like to see the earth from space?
What is memory?
What do we all have in common?
If you could be a bird, what a bird could it be?
What is color?
What is existance?
What is language?
Why do some cows have spots?
Is it better to be late than never?
When am I going to die?