3..2..1.. GO!
The first challenge! Selection test with high level of difficulties and other university FINAL TEST in the same time. (I passed it, YEAH!)
again.. I had been interviewed by lecturers and this is my first presentation in front of three lecturers... really no have idea what I presented in front of them, What's that all about.. Forgot it already! (The important thing is I passed, yeehaa..)
Somehow the jury let me joined the real race, I enter the gear, pushed the pedal... and began the race..
130 km/hours I saw my speedometer..
Then 2nd, 3rd, or what ever the number, the other challenges came on my way, and stroke on the lap... I became the cordinator for the team, the lecturers decided me to be without let me knows. Felt so happy but really didn't know what I should say happy or what (I mean right know!)
Then hundredth challenges until the last lap.. it's never ending challenge. I had never wondered before it has become a great experience. Tough. It's really need commitment, a lot of sacrifices, and patient.. faced a lot of difficulties with not good campus administration, conflict on the team, taught night class, bored to gave mark for students answer sheet and thousand of work as teaching asisstant cordinator.. anyway I earned money by myself.. (I like this one! hehe.. yup the salary a month enough to survive for 4 days as human, it's great! I'm a survivor, Yeah!)
From all I passed, I will miss all moments... Yeah, I will... The moment when everybody did the case, and still busy to keep their calculator on hand, papers, and pencase (I think it's uncomfortable because the table is too small for all kindda stuff). The moment when I was waiting all student jot down the answer in their answer sheet without certain point in their head. The moment when I heard my lecturer thaught in the next class. The moment when I really confused with material that I should teach to my student (I was not well prepared and panic.. hahah..). The moment when I was sick and I should attend the class. The moment when I rearranged my locker and my team mate' locker because it's too mess. The moment when I was telling the wrong answer to my students. hauhauha... they became confuse. I will really miss all of themm...
hmm... I think I miss them now, when I'm writing this blog.
Time passed by.... minutes by minutes, It has already nine months...
Time lead me to the end.
Yesterday is the last class.. I can't believe I should end this. I ended other life race challenge..
With love,
I dedicated this to all my students..
I love you, all!
PS: Sorry for wrong answer and for bad mark!
again.. I had been interviewed by lecturers and this is my first presentation in front of three lecturers... really no have idea what I presented in front of them, What's that all about.. Forgot it already! (The important thing is I passed, yeehaa..)
130 km/hours I saw my speedometer..
Then 2nd, 3rd, or what ever the number, the other challenges came on my way, and stroke on the lap... I became the cordinator for the team, the lecturers decided me to be without let me knows. Felt so happy but really didn't know what I should say happy or what (I mean right know!)
Then hundredth challenges until the last lap.. it's never ending challenge. I had never wondered before it has become a great experience. Tough. It's really need commitment, a lot of sacrifices, and patient.. faced a lot of difficulties with not good campus administration, conflict on the team, taught night class, bored to gave mark for students answer sheet and thousand of work as teaching asisstant cordinator.. anyway I earned money by myself.. (I like this one! hehe.. yup the salary a month enough to survive for 4 days as human, it's great! I'm a survivor, Yeah!)
hmm... I think I miss them now, when I'm writing this blog.
Time passed by.... minutes by minutes, It has already nine months...
Time lead me to the end.
Yesterday is the last class.. I can't believe I should end this. I ended other life race challenge..
With love,
I dedicated this to all my students..
I love you, all!
PS: Sorry for wrong answer and for bad mark!
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