Argghhh… UJIAN Marketing Management ITU APA-aPAan Sih!!!???
looking into the past is important to reflect to who I am now. The past shaped my current presence and existence. In my solitude, I am looking into the future. I am not running to catch it. I picture it and build my steps. I know. Yes! I know it will come.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Friday, January 14, 2005

HMM.. what a wonderful gurl.. u r! Btw rambut lu bagusan pendek. hahaha... Eih.. Bandung Miss U so MACH!! esp. me & all af Ur friends here!!! We're waitin' u comeback from your long JOURNEY!!! wahaww... SOEY miss U. I'm wondering we can smim..smim... TOGETH.. !! HIKS! LONG LIFE HIGH QUALITY JOMBLO!!! hahah... btw I think U'll find somebody that fit u there!! Believed me!
Friday, January 07, 2005

META, thanx fur indochine... tat day.. I felt so mach pain and lonely!! Thx agaen for time tat u gave me in our busy internship at SINGTEL SG, wht a gorgeous ey!!hayang ey urang!! hahaha...
She sang, "aHppie BetdaY fur me at ATMO! Teng kiuw yaw!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
hmm.. I met her in hhmm.. Ow.. damn HOSPIE! :-( ...I dun noe why my feng shui was so bad must visited operation room twice before 20! but forget it la~~! At least afterall I hav active partner on the web! haha.. RIGHT SHAWW?? Hmm.. I dun noe much about herz! But 1 thing I neu.. she is freak physiotheraphist from HK, who hs lived in S'pore??? WEIRD! (as far as I know HK it's better at all!) I think U must be hv a REASON At least fur that!!!
In JULY 2004... I felt so fucked UP! just U know it's pity stay in the foreign hospie, without visitors in threeee DAYZ!! Arghh... all the patients in my room are OBASAN!!! (Obasan is aunty in Japanese, Sharon!) I HAte OLDISH!! but She is kindly to me! even I noe it, it's ur duty, it doesn't matter! At least I talked sth with somebody in my greatest PAIN!! Do U noe! IT's reliaved! And SHAWW.. hv a great vision, TooO! Right, SHAW?? She's taking her Master NOW! She wanna be the specialist or sth I dun noez clearly!! COZ" MISS BUSY always have a TASK or JOB when we're ONLINE!! hahaha... (^____^)
1 taim.. I saw her I think this person is really MAD with her lovely JOB! Goin' and by passed my room at hospital, and I noe she tried to get best result from what she had done!!! fur Carreer or PleasuRE of WORK! I dun noe???! she always remember me with what she said "GOOD one goes to heaven, BAD one goes 2 HELL!!" hei.. when we can meet agaen, ya???
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
hi... NUr, don't u know?? almost 6 yeerrr.. man!!! We shared sth together, words, all things look so great behind us, right??? Oh man, really wanna back agaen to the PASTT!! fuhh.. the moment tat..we never thought about anything important to runnin' this ""freak"" life!! U must be AGREE with mEE!! R u remember when U tried to messed UOP ur lifez.. coz' GOD DAMN TATANG, gitoo lohh!! hahah... it's great I think! Hahah... And U know what U make me felt in love with named is skull our lovely St. ANGELAA! Everypart of US all af ur friends ahhPPYY, 'till U got U two with "TatanGG!! hahaha...
Sunday, January 02, 2005
NIEWW YEAR!! Ergh... not so aHpy! Not go anywhere!!! just STAYED at HOME... drank couple of beers! watched movies... then... went 2 bed!!!! Miss BORINK not go online.. MALES!!!! Btw @ INTERNET TRAINING SO MESS APPP!! BAnget sih!!!! SERVER GORENG...!!! DI CARTOONnET LELET PISAN!!!!!!!!